(949) 407-8904 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 23661 Birtcher Dr., Lake Forest, California, USA
(949) 407-8904 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 23661 Birtcher Dr., Lake Forest, California, USA


December 2021
In the sputtering process, it is important to protect the sputter targets from damages, and a very good way to achieve this is by subjecting the sputter targets to bonding services. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the meaning and importance of target bonding services, as well as the different types of target bonding...
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3D printing has evolved over the past few years, meaning that several things have changed, particularly, the type of products obtainable at the end of the process. The products of 3D printing are as diverse as the many materials used in printing them. Before 3D printing can be realized, you must send a detailed image...
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An Introduction to ITO – Indium Tin Oxide
One of the most widely used transparent conducting oxides is indium tin oxide (ITO) — and for very good reasons. Indium tin oxide is well known for its electrical conductivity, optical transparency, and how easy it is to deposit as a thin film. In most cases, thin films of ITO are deposited on surfaces by...
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An Overview of Gold Sputtering Target
From time immemorial, gold has remained a very precious substance. From making jewelry to cookware and industrial materials, gold has proven to be very useful and precious to man, particularly because of its high malleability, ductility, and lustrous nature. Gold is one of the most precious metals known to man, and it has a wide...
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